
What is the Tiwai Paradigm

It is about taking all the steps involved in converting Raw material into final products without the extra steps and staff associated with system duplications and added on margins to the final costs of the finished product.

For example New Zealand iron sands are rich in titanium 8%-10% levels as well as rich in silica sands when clean can be converted into other products on top of the rich grade of Iron.  This can be applied to any raw material like Bauxite.

The whole system and process is a fully symbiotic relationship with each plant and process as they are all needed to achieve the desired outcomes.  this plant has to built with this in mind at all stages of design and build.

Phase 1 of the process: extraction - refining

Raw material gathered and shipped to site for processing, no processing near the mine and no toxic residue at the mine

For all material stage 1 of the refining process where the first step is recovery of the core material leaving the waste for further processing plants designed to refine the other components of the waste

2nd Stage is the further refining of the processed material where required and converting it into useable products for the next phase of the journey

All waste material is gather and processed to be fit for the next phases and repeats for phase 1

Phase 2 of the process: Further processing and initial manufacturing

Further processing and blending plants/mills process the desired products ready for fabrication and manufacturing phases

Waste specific plants are converting identified waste components into final products for sale.  this should see 100% of all material converted into profitable income streams

2nd stage manufacturing for specified product items that can be used in the final stages.  This is based on utilising the most advance and new technologies available

This phase is the 1st opportunity to add real value to the products being built and capitalising on the lower operational and handling costs as it hasn't been shipped out to others to do.

Phase 3 of the process: Final product construction and assemble 

Through select plants all material/components built are used to build specific final products that are suitable for direct to market shipment, maximising the profit margin

Specific components built for end user final assemble of their products and our components are fit for purpose will allow for a greater diversity in applications and increases margins.

Surplus material can sold directly to other manufacturing/mills as volumes are available.  This allows for improved margins but has the lowest profit margin but can accommodate higher volumes. 

This stage is aimed at building everything on site with only final products being shipped out.  This is the best where to have heavily reduced costs and cost controls while maximising profits.

Environmental and Energy Generation:

This paradigm is about operating with the full impact generated from the assigned plants and process being treated and neutralised on site with all waste material converted into useful renewable resources or final products for sale.  The system is also about carbon capture technology as part of it's operations and then converting this carbon into useable products and resources.

All energy requirements are met by the stand-alone generation sources designed to met the strict environmental requirements and ensures more than enough generation capacity is available and independent of any national grid.

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