Currency system

Hybrid Currency project

The currency system is currently designed to comply with the Central Banks Tool box option "Hybrid" option.

The Hybrid option is the only approved method that allowed for the ability to use both tokens (Cash) as well as digital components of the same system.  This option also gives the opportunity to access the central banking system with a centralised and de-centralised approach.

The project has come about over the last 15years and is aimed at building a single de-centralised approached to using and recording of currency.  This system is designed on the very definition of "Currency"

"Currency serves as a means of exchanging commodities and services. Money in the form of paper or coins, issued by a government and accepted at face value, is known as currency. In bartering, goods and services were exchanged directly for other goods and services ." from google.

The system currently under the working title of Southern Cross Currency is focused the hybrid option allowing for both token and digital means.  This currency is being designed to be 100% back by a tradable and commonly used material with values set by the active markets involving these commodities.

The system has already been introduced to several interested groups with the knowledge that these systems are ready for testing in actual applications.

the supporting systems are still under refinement that will allow and facilitate full commercial roll-out meeting all banking legislative requirements and conditions

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